I just want to say thank you to you too for this site. I had been intending to send you an email expressing my gratitude but seeing this topic, I'll tell you here.
I too started just reading posts at H20 since I was ready to start searching more information out about the WTS, but was too timid to jump in at that time. Some postings lead me to 'freeminds' site and from there, I found this site. I am so grateful for this avenue of healing and learning and appreciate the caring, empathy, caliber of knowledge that I see here so far. It's just what I know that there are so many out there in the same boat I'm in and not be made to feel guilty for doubting the things I've been taught that just haven't added up once I started to really ponder over things.
I was raised in the "truth" but I started losing my faith due to a lot of things, in family life. I was finally moved to post some of those things in my "Hi..I'm new here" story here about a month ago. I was so nervous about posting but the response I received just overwhelmed me. (I registered as had_enough just a week before you were making some technical adjustments to the site and I couldn't get back in so I re-registered as Had Enough and have posted under that name since.)
Anyway...I just wanted to express my gratitude for all you have done to create this site. I agree with riz that you have style and heart dispite what the WTS has put you and your family through.
Just reading your experience and all the others here, just helps me so much in my conviction that I've done the right thing in no longer associating.
Thank you again,
Had Enough